HotQuick app for android (Quick Hotmail)

HotQuick app for android
The best app to access your hotmail account now with Notification!!!

HotQuick lets you access the Hotmail mobile website made by Microsoft and also the Windows Live Messenger (WLM, or MSN) web version.

Press menu in your phone to open the bottom menu.

If you like this app, download the pro version (HotQuick Pro) to remove ads and make a donation to PocketMob.

HotQuick app for android (Quick Hotmail)

Tags: hotmail, hotquick, msn, wlm, live, microsoft, messenger, windows live, android

Change Log:

Version 2.1:
- Added Notifications

Version 2.2:
- Repaired error with the keypad in some devices (when the keypad is on, and the user click back, the app was closing sometimes).

- Repaired the bug in the notification for some devices, now is working perfect on all tested devices.

- Added more notification time, now you have:
- 5 minutes
- 10 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
- 2 hours
- and 4 hours

Also the service is activated only if your login informations are corrects (need internet to validate acc)

Recent changes HotQuick app for android (Quick Hotmail)
- Repaired force close when closing the app.
- Repaired small bug on starting the app.

HotQuick app for android (Quick Hotmail)
HotQuick app for android

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