OruxMaps App For Android

Map viewer/route logger for your outdoor activities.
OruxMaps works in two modes:
-online with many different types of maps (Google maps, OpenStreetMap, Microsoft Maps,etc.).
-offline with calibrated maps for the application. You can convert your Ozi Explorer maps, or create your own maps, with a desktop tool.
Allows you record tracks using GPS. It works with gpx and kml formats.

More features OruxMaps App For Android:

100% free
100% no Advertising

Map download

Wms support

Complete track statistics, with different graphs

External bluetooth GPS support

Export your tracks in KML/GPX formats

Follow your old tracks/routes, with distance alarm.

Save Waypoints with attached photo-audio-video media files. Wpt proximity alarm with custom audio alarm

Waypoint navigation mode

Geocaching support

Custom cursor images

Power save mode, for long track recording

Use a heart monitor with your device (supported Zephyr HRM, Polar support coming soon)

Upload/download tracks from everytrail.com
Upload tracks to gpsies.com, mapmytracks.com and trainingstagebuch.org
Live tracking with mapmytracks.com

More info here: www.oruxmaps.com

Recent changes OruxMaps App For Android:
Error correction.
New controls in dashboard.
More info in statistics.

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